HomeShopCartiGhid turisticA Marosvasarhelyi Kulturpalota. Tirgu Mures The Palace of Culture – Kolumban-Kantor Zita

A Marosvasarhelyi Kulturpalota. Tirgu Mures The Palace of Culture – Kolumban-Kantor Zita


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A varoskepet meghatarozo ket muemlek-epulet, a Kulturpalota es a Megyehaza, minden bizonnyal Erdely szecesszios epiteszetenek legszebb alkotasai, mert a rideg formakon tullepve, a koltoiseget es szabadsagot arasztjak. Ez dicsoseget jelent nemcsak a varosnak, de letrehozojanak, dr. Bernady Gyorgy polgarmesternek, aki hitt a muveszet tarsadalomformalo erejeben. The two reference buildings, The Palace of Culture and the Prefecture, are undoubtedly, the finest and most important Secession establishments in Transylvania. They bring fame both to the city and to their founder, mayor dr. Bernady Gyorgy, who fully believed in the power of art, as a formative factor of society. Editie bilingva: maghiara – engleza Autor versiune maghiara:Kolumban-Kantor Zita Autor versiune engleza: Ileana Sandu


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