HomeShopCartiDiversePosibil ghid impotriva smintitilor – Alexandru Trifu

Posibil ghid impotriva smintitilor – Alexandru Trifu


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Posibil ghid impotriva smintitilor. Possible guide contre les tares. Possible guide against the mad Regele Frallois I, condamnandu-l pe bufonul sau la moarte, i-a spus sa-si exprime ultima dorinta inainte de a fi executat. Bufonul i-a spus regelui ca vrea sa moara de batranete. Si regele l-a gratiat. Le roi Frallois 1er en condamnant son bouffon a la mort lui avait dit d’exprimer sa derni&e volonte avant d’&re exftut. Le bouffon lui avait dit: "mourir de vieillesse". Et le roi l’a honor . King Francis I, in condemning his jester to death, had told him to express his last wish before being executed. The buffoon told him: "dying of old age". And the king honored him. Editie trilingva romana, franceza, engleza


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