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Romanian phrasebook Ed.3


SKU: 13306808 Category:


This phrasebook will help you make yourself understood easily in everyday situations as well as in emergencies, when travelling and communicating with Romanians, even if you are a complete beginner in the language. Cuprinde: – 2 600 phrases and sentences – 1 600 words in topics – 6 000 entries in the dictionary – Pronounciation – Recommendations and travel advice – Useful information Acest ghid de conversatie ii va ajuta pe straini sa comunice cu localnicii si sa se faca intelesi in orice situatie. Se pune accent pe comunicarea activa si practica. Ghidul este usor de folosit, cuprinzand si transcrierea fonetica, astfel ca orice strain se va putea exprima fluent in limba romana


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